The Crawford Hall

Chapter 1

The flickering light from Sarah's phone cast dancing shadows on the pizza boxes piled high on the coffee table. A nervous energy crackled in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife. Tonight, was the night. Tonight, they were going to The Crawford Hall.

"Guys, are you sure about this?" Michael squeaked, his voice barely a whisper over the rustling of chip packets. His pale face shone even whiter in the flickering phone light.

Sarah, the unofficial leader of the group, shot him a reassuring grin. "Relax, Michael. It'll be an adventure! Besides," she added with a wink, "we have everything we need. Maps, snacks, flashlights..."

"Flashlights that might die and leave us plunged into eternal darkness with whatever lurks in that creepy building," Michael muttered, clutching his backpack strap like a lifeline.

Emily, ever the optimist, nudged him playfully. "Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Michael. It'll be fun! Like a real-life ghost hunt!"

Liam, the bravest (or at least the one who boasted the most about it), scoffed. "Fun? Please. This place is legendary. Disappearances, demonic activity... who knows what we might face." A nervous tremor ran through his voice despite his bravado.

Ben, Sarah's nervous cousin, chimed in hesitantly, "Maybe we could, uh, watch a scary movie instead? At least with a movie, we know it's not real."

Sarah chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Ben. We'll stick together. And if things get too hairy, we'll hightail it out of there faster than you can say 'supernatural.'"

As the night wore on, the jokes and bravado thinned. The weight of their impending exploration at Crawford Hall settled heavily upon them. Finally, after hours of nervous chatter and strategizing, they piled into Liam's beat-up car. The air hung heavy with anticipation as they drove towards the outskirts of town, the silence broken only by the rhythmic hum of the engine and the occasional nervous cough.


Crawford Hall loomed ahead, a skeletal silhouette against the star-studded sky. Its once-grand facade was marred by gaping holes and crumbling masonry. Ivy, thick and menacing, snaked its way up the walls, lending the building an even more sinister air. A collective gulp went around the group as they stepped out of the car. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the occasional rustle of wind through the dead trees that surrounded the building. Even the crickets seemed to hold their breath.

Michael, his face as white as a sheet, mumbled something about turning back, but Sarah, ever the pragmatist, gripped his shoulder and urged him forward. "Come on, guys," she said, her voice trying to sound braver than she felt. "Let's do this."

The heavy oak doors creaked open with a groan that echoed through the empty halls. Dust motes danced in the beams of their flashlights, revealing a scene of utter decay. Broken furniture lay scattered across the floor, and cobwebs draped the walls like ghostly curtains. A stale, musty smell hung in the air, thick enough to gag on.

As they ventured deeper, the oppressive silence pressed down on them. Every creak of the floorboards, every groan of the wind seemed to whisper secrets of the past. Then, a sound. A disembodied laugh, tinged with a chilling malice, echoed through the halls.

"Did you hear that?" Emily whispered, her voice barely a squeak.

Sarah forced a smile, though her heart hammered against her ribs. "Just the wind playing tricks on us, Em. Come on, let's stay together."

But the feeling of unease wouldn't leave them. Michael, his fear finally boiling over, let out a strangled cry and bolted down a dark hallway.

"Michael!" Sarah yelled, but he was already gone. Panic surged through her, a cold knot tightening in her stomach.

"We need to find him," Ethan said, his voice grim. "But we can't just blindly follow. We need a plan."

"Maybe we can split up and cover more ground," Liam suggested, his bravado returning a little with the appearance of a plan.

"Absolutely not!" Sarah shot back, her voice sharp. "We stick together. No heroics, Liam."

They continued their exploration, their flashlights cutting through the gloom, searching for any sign of Michael or an exit. The air grew colder, and a strange pressure seemed to build around them.

"Do you feel that?" Emily shivered, clutching Sarah's arm.

"It's like the building itself is holding its breath," Ethan murmured.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure materialized from a corner, its form shifting and swirling in the darkness. A primal scream ripped from Sarah's throat. They ran, hearts pounding in their chests, their flashlights barely illuminating the path ahead.

"This way!" Liam yelled, darting down a side corridor.

They followed him, adrenaline pumping through their veins. The air grew colder, and the oppressive feeling intensified. They burst into a grand hall, its magnificent chandeliers now hanging by a thread. In the center of the room, a skeletal hand protruded from a pile of dusty books, its bony fingers clutching a single, withered page.

"What is that?" Chloe gasped, her voice barely audible over their ragged breaths.

Before anyone could answer, the air grew frigid. A wave of darkness surged through the room, extinguishing their flashlights and plunging them into an inky blackness. A bloodcurdling shriek echoed through the hall, followed by the sickening thud of a body hitting the floor.

"Chloe!" Sarah screamed, scrambling blindly towards the sound. She bumped into something solid – a body. It was Chloe, her eyes wide with terror, her face contorted in a silent scream.

"Sarah?" Chloe rasped, her voice trembling.

"I'm here," Sarah said, trying to calm her own racing heart. "We need to get out of here."

But before they could move, a guttural growl tore through the darkness. A monstrous shape loomed before them, its eyes glowing with an unnatural light. Terror froze Sarah in place. This was no ghost story – this was something far more horrifying.

In the next instant, Ethan shoved her aside. "Go! Find Liam and Emily!" he yelled, his voice filled with a desperate courage.

"Ethan, no!" Sarah cried, but he was already charging towards the creature, a makeshift torch in his hand. Tears streamed down her face as she grabbed Chloe and stumbled back into the darkness, the monstrous entity's enraged roar echoing behind them.

They fled blindly through the labyrinthine halls, the air thick with the stench of decay and the ever-present threat of unseen horrors. Chloe, her ankle twisted in the chaos, sobbed against Sarah's shoulder, a dead weight dragging them down. Every groan of the building, every flicker of movement in the darkness, sent shivers down Sarah's spine. Where was Liam? Where was Emily? Had they escaped this nightmare, or were they too victims of the entity's wrath?

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a sliver of pale light flickered ahead. Hope surged through Sarah, momentarily eclipsing the terror. A broken window, perhaps? A way out? Pushing Chloe against the wall for a moment, Sarah strained towards the light, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm.


But as she reached the opening, a cold hand clamped over her mouth, stifling her scream. A figure, shrouded in darkness, stood behind her, its fetid breath tickling her ear. A single word, raspy and ancient, echoed in the silence: "Welcome home, Sarah."


The world dissolved into a swirling vortex of darkness. The last thing Sarah saw before the consuming blackness was Chloe's face, a mask of terror, illuminated by the faint moonlight filtering through the window. Then, silence…

Chapter 2 coming soon...


  1. You've done a pretty good job at describing every little details, like you did your best at painting out the surrounding of the University at the beginning of the arrival, showed the relationships and pointed out the friendship between each characters, but my favorite was the last twist. Idk don't know what you are going to write in the second chapter but I hope it's gonna be something unexpected and I am looking forward to Chapter 2. Keep up the good work kid...


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