A matter that nobody has ever thought | Part 2

Hey, my dear friendly neighborhood Wattpad catalysts! It's been a while since I last published something in Wattpad. Well there was some problem here and there... and while taking some time off I thought of turning this single essay into a whole looooooooooong series... So, without any chit-chat, why not let you all jump straight into my own new void series.

"Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again." by Andre Gide. On similar lines- as everything what I thought alone was considered nothing but a dream and thoughts. Since there was no one around me, the things that I thought are what we called thoughts. So everything that I thought must be written in this magical website so that I can share my thoughts with others to put a full stop on this overall cycle (not a bicycle or a recycle bin off course).

There are uncountable things one can think of, example, Why did the solo levelling character had to go back in time and why not reincarnate inside an ink jet printer as a black ink (before you guys start to hate me, let me clear one simple misunderstanding. I am a huge fan of Solo Leveling and I have read this more than 30 times, at least).

ALERT: Biology related topic, so if you want to skip this part, then you are most gladly allowed to, but in return

ALERT: Biology related topic, so if you want to skip this part, then you are most gladly allowed to, but in return...heh heh... follow me and like and share this topic with all the people around the globe.

According to the above photo as an evidence, scientist are guessing that there is nothing but an empty space inside an electron. But how sure are they because we all are humans contains the same red blood. We have limits to both physical and metal abilities. Moreover, it is also strictly sealed to enter or to use most parts of our brains. So why did the scientists thought of actually announcing this shit in public without thinking for over a million of times.

Ok next thought. Can we eat clouds as cotton candy, and how does it, or how will it even taste or smell like? Rain water or sticky. What if we use drones as natural filters settled at the sky to filter rain water, rather than the filters we humans use nowadays.

Did people discover "Tic Tac Toe" from this "#", or did people discover "#" from "Tic Tac Toe".

Well that's it today fellows. MY mind is as empty as an electron, or that is what the SCIENTISTS claim. See you all in the third part and yeah be sure to like and share this shit masterpiece of mine.

Bye, bye!


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