A matter that nobody has ever thought!!! Precautions: A lot of hyperboles is used in this text. So don't exactly take this topic seriously. It's just a guess, and an opinion, about which I always wanted to share. Have any of you been lately thinking about the matters that nobody has ever thought of, something exclusive, something out of the unknown box or extraordinary or maybe something appalling? Because I've been lately thinking about a lot of matters, and I guess nobody has ever thought about this in quintillion years. What if people could think about infinity matters? What if there were no matters left to think of? But, probably that won't happen, no, it can't be, cause the probability for this is an absolute 0% . Well, the main point for this text is, the matters that only 0.0000001% of people think of, which off course includes me and excludes you all, until you read the whole entire text by yourself. Imagine that you're roaming in space, and you have ...