The Promise Mourning scenes: It was a cold, shiny, overcrowded day thronging with ant-sized humans. The room was ridiculously cold, and my skin was damp against the sheets. No matter how extreme the temperature was, I was addicted to the calming lull of the air conditioner as I slept. The mourning sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds as its rays snuck in through the blinds. The muscles in my lower neck and shoulders were throbbing like HELL, as if someone were twisting the muscle tissues in my lower neck from the inside. My eyes hurt when the shivering coldness from the air conditioner got to them. Shrieking voices of traffic and whistles of cooker reached the skinny door of the outer layer of my ears and knocked... without my permission, they intruded in and through all the way sending the signals in my brain taking a small wild vacation. It rang a bell, and I could hear the voices and loud noises around me. My throat went dry as if some fly passed by and sucked...